Homemade “Little Sheep” Chinese Hot Pot


One of my all-time favorite Chinese hot pot restaurants is called Little Sheep. They have locations all over the world to feed their hungry following.  If you can’t visit one of their restaurant locations have no fear! They sell their broth online so anyone can make it at home.

Click the images below to be directed to where you can find the products and ingredients online:

This is the beautiful white donabe pot I used for this recipe! I love this one, it’s one of my favorites to use for hot pots and it also comes with a steaming plate that’s not pictured 🙂

If you live near a Ranch 99 you’ll be able to find this in store, otherwise visit the link to find it on Amazon. They have 2 flavors but I like the green packaged one best which is more herbal and light. The orange packet has a lot more punch with cumin spices if you want to try that 🙂


The seasoning package isn’t too fussy. Grab your favorite large pot to broil water in and add the contents of the package to the water. I chopped some extra green onions to add in for extra flavor.

Seafood, thinly sliced rib-eye, and your favorite variety of mushrooms work great for this. I haven’t met a mushroom that hasn’t worked for this hot pot so you’ll never go wrong. I usually don’t eat Chinese hot pot with rice instead I use my favorite dipping sauce called Shacha, Taiwanese BBQ Sauce

It’s nothing like traditional American BBQ sauce despite how it’s name sounds. It’s actually more like a roasted shrimp paste that is oh so savory and amazing to dip hot pot contents into for an extra punch of flavor. If you place a spoonful of this in a bowl, a small drizzle of black vinegar, chopped cilantro leaves, some diced ginger, and a few drops of sesame oil, anything you dip into this will taste like heaven.


0 Comments Add yours

  1. msw blog says:

    I going to try this. Thank you.

    1. <3 <3 Let me know how it turns out!

  2. Pan says:

    You have a terrific eye for food presentation.. The photos are mouthwatering 👌
    This recipe is one I’d like to try and the bbq sauce is loaded with ingredients I usually have on hand 😊

    1. It’s so delicious, I think you’ll love it! You can find the same hot pot seasoning I used on Amazon, too http://amzn.to/2vVzSgW

  3. I like your pot so cute.

    1. Thank you! <3 I love it too, it comes from Japan from the Iga-Mono region which is famous for their clay pots. They're so lovely. You can find them online luckily if you can't make the trip to Japan 😀 http://amzn.to/2x9Evm0

  4. Jen says:

    I like the little sheep hot pot!

    1. Me too! So good, I could eat this everyday <3

  5. Garfield Hug says:

    In Singapore we have a hawker center called Chomp Chomp with signature dishes. Located in Serangoon Gardens it see hordes of people eating there.😊

    1. I just googled it and it looks so delicious! I hope I can make it out to Singapore one day to try it <3

      1. Garfield Hug says:

        I hope so too 😊have a great day!

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